Megacity Skeleton 2|メガシティの小さな躯体2
2017 / Category: residential, public facility
アジアメガシティ・ジャカルタの高密度居住区チキニにおける実施プロジェクトである。2013年に竣工したMegacity Skeleton 1のコンセプトを踏襲しつつ、新たに「水」と「運営スキーム」を発展させた。
共同設計者:Megacity Design Lab
写真家:Megacity Design Lab
Megacity Skeleton 2
2017 / Category: residential, public facility
Jakarta, one of the mega-cities which have a population greater than one million, have historically utilized rich natural rivers as open-ditch sewage. But, through rapid civilization and density growth, the river contamination and environmental degradation has become significant. Here I introduce our participatory design and construction project which install community sewage system reflecting the actual condition of high density residential area in Jakarta.
Structure: RC-2stories
Area: 40㎡
Place: Jakarta, Indonesia
Collaborator: Megacity Design Lab
Structural Engineer: Akira Suzuki/ASA